If you want to stop foreclosure quick, then I am glad you are reading this. Many people fail to explore their options properly and end up losing their homes. You won't be one of them; after reading this article you'll be able to take confident action in preserving your home for your family. With that said, let me get right into it.
Foreclosures Are on The Rise
This won't be news to you but what may surprise you is the sheer scope of the rise. It's estimated that 1 in 3 mortgage owner is faced with either foreclosure or are seriously behind on their payments. The job market isn't getting any better and it's ad to say but more and more people are going to struggle to keep their homes.
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There's no point in painting a gloomy picture without prescribing some sort of solution for you so I'll show you in the next paragraph how a new and exciting system is helping hundreds of people to keep their homes.
Stop Foreclosure Quick With a Loan Modification
The crumbling economy has affected the housing market that congress has had to step in offer some sort of help to struggling families. This help has taken the form of loan modifications. A modifying loan simply readjusts your current mortgage to account for late payments and gives you a new loan with which to stave off the possibility of foreclosure. In short you in a sense; rework the terms of your mortgage to give you more time to pay off what you owe.
Qualifying is very simple. If you are already facing foreclosure and the value of the mortgage is at least 38% of your family's household income, you can qualify for a modifying loan. The good thing about the screening process is that it's very friendly since it's government backed.
Now it's all good telling you about getting a loan modification that can help you stop foreclosure quick, but that's no good to you unless I tell you where to get one. The best place to begin and end your search is the internet. Loan modifying loans are plentiful online and all you have to do is make sure you find the right company for your needs. These online companies make it easy for you and sometimes just an email is enough to get you assessed.
I hope you see that if you are facing foreclosure it's not a hopeless situation. The system I have outlined in this article works. It works everyday for people in your very circumstance. All you have to do now is take action.
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