Payday loans are a new idea in money loans. Payday loans are based on the concept of getting a small loan for emergency expenses until the next payday when the loan is paid back. Payday loans, however, can lead to a vicious cycle of debt if a person does not completely understand how they work.
Payday loans are obtained through a rather simple process. There are no credit inquires and the requirements are usually only a checking account. A person fills out a simple form and provides documentation of a checking account. The loan is then processed and the person writes the payday company a check to cover the loan and applicable fees. The check is then held for an agreed upon amount of time, usually two weeks, and then is either cashed or the person can come back and pay the check amount in cash. This easy process is what draws many people to payday loans.
Payday loans vary in amounts depending upon a person's income. Some payday lenders may require check stubs as proof of income and to set the maximum loan amount. Some opposition has popped up over payday loans because they tend to often be used by low income individuals who end up in a cycle of abusing payday loans.
When used properly payday loans can be a great source of emergency cash. Sometimes a person may have a need pop up before payday. They could afford to pay for it if they could get their paycheck, but since they can't that is where payday loan lenders come in. The loan acts as a sort of paycheck advance. The person understands that they must pay it back once they get their paycheck. Other times people use payday loans because they can not otherwise afford expenses. When someone is using payday loans as an extra form of income they could end up with problems.
Payday loans are a good concept, but if used wrong can become a major debt issue. Payday loans should only be used if a person knows they can pay the money back. Payday loans are not intended for use as extra income. Payday loans can be very beneficial to someone who understands how to use them.
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