Availing payday loans
As the number of lenders offering payday loans is increasing, everyday one can find numerous lucrative offers waiting for them. You can apply for payday loans either online or can meet the lender personally. After you apply for payday loan, it gets approved within 24 hours as there is minimal time consumed in paper works. Payday loans must be applied between Monday to Thursday so that loan amount is credited to your account the next working day.
To be eligible for payday loan you need to be more than 18 years of age, must be a citizen of UK with a regular monthly income of more than £1000.Payday loans are also available to poor creditors hence persons suffering from ccj's,insolvency,late or irregular repayments etc are eligible to attain this loaning facility.
Amount and interest related to Payday Loans
If you are applying for the first time you can borrow around £500. After you have cleared your loan amount in time you can borrow more money next time. Most of lenders charge around £15 to £30 per £100 borrowed by you. The APR can go up to 400%.But the brief period involved in repayments ensures that you don't shell out much.
Repayment of payday loans
You are required to pay back lent amount on your very next payday. Even if you fail to do so it can be rolled over to other payday by paying little extra fees. For this you need to inform your borrower at least 3 days in advance to repayment day. This feature of payday loan is termed as loan sharking.
Usage of Payday Loan
Payday loan can be used to solve any unexpected and immediate financial implication on you. Very often you can find yourself in a situation when some bills are much more than your expectation, or it is the end of month and you need money for medical purposes. All these adverse situations can be dealt with payday loans. But, you have to careful that you borrow only the amount you need and on the basis of your ability to payback borrowed amount in time, else interest will keep on mounting up as the APR is pretty high.
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