Payday loans are the cash advances for short period. They are usually projected in the lime light with many so called advantages such as fast processing and increased approval rate. It requires no collateral security except a postdated check, which is dated on your payday. And moreover, it is available for even bad credit people since credit checking is avoided in payday loan processing. But, these factors alone do not qualify the payday loan as a safe one. Many experts used to refer the payday loan as a culprit, which prey the people in financial crisis. They have sum-up the reasons substantiating the risk of payday loans to mainly five.
The first and the most alarming reason behind the payday loan is the high interest rate. The payday loan is a characteristic unsecured loan with high interest rates than any other secured loan. But, the risk in the payday loan is that its interest rates are higher than even any other unsecured loans, which may be as high as 300%. The high interest rates will certainly be a burden for you since you are already in the crisis.
Moreover the time available to repay the loan is also very short. You have to repay the total debt amount including the principal amount and the interest rate by the next payday. It will be a great difficulty as it can take up a lion share of your income. Then people will be forced to fall into the rollover loan, which is a bigger risk. The pending amount of the loan can be split into installments but the interest rate will be multifold and the late fees also will be charged. It will be in a sky rocketing pattern that will be hectic for a common man to manage.
The security risk involved in the online processing is another reason to avoid the payday loans. You have to intimate the bank account number, social security number and other such financial and personal details for the loan processing. It will be like a suicidal attempt, if your vital information gets to any of the internet fraudulent. The unfavorable hidden terms in the agreement is an associated risk of the payday loan. Some would have included terms and conditions to automatically renew the loans or other one sided terms.
The impact of repeated payday loan applications to the credit score is considered to be a risk that may result far reaching consequences. Even though payday loans are said to be fast processing, you have to meet the necessary requirements such as a checking account, and direct checks. If your payday applications are rejected, it may badly affect the credit report.
The 5 reasons seem to be potential enough to ruin your financial stability. It is always better to avoid payday loan, if you have any other option. However, the availability of money at the right time of necessity should be certainly appreciated. Anyway, the hidden dangers behind the helping hand have to be assessed carefully before stepping in. The warning of the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), regarding the payday loans has to be taken seriously and based on the guidelines you can find secure payday loans.
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